Speed. Ability to accelerate or change direction quickly. To beat an opponent to the ball. In sport, speed is integral to winning battles, races and points. If you have it, you have the advantage. If you don’t, what do you do? Some believe that there is nothing you...
4 reasons why everyone should be lifting weights! It always surprises me when I hear the question “Why should I be lifting weights?” or “weight training is not for me, I’m not a “gym” person”. And surprisingly we still hear, “I can’t lift weights, I get too “bulky”...
In our marketing, we talk about bespoke programming and we offer it as a part of our Small Group Training Programme. We are the only people around who offer bespoke programming as part of Small Group Training but what does it actually mean? Ultimately, it means better...
Christmas is just around the corner With Christmas just around the corner, it’s tempting to wind down your exercise regime, reach for the mince pies and mulled wine, stick your onesie on and veg out until the New Year. Whilst this all sounds great, do you really...
Personal Training versus DIY – What should you choose? The idea of working with a personal trainer can seem daunting for anyone looking to get fit, especially if you are new to exercise. The idea of someone who is already in immaculate shape watching your every...